Tuesday, January 17, 2012

To Infinity {Dress} and Beyond

A couple of weekends ago, I cleaned out a portion of my bedroom closet, as part of my campaign to Be Less Triflin’ in 2012.  The hubs and I share a closet that I could easily take over if I wanted to (which I do, but that wouldn’t be nice).  When we moved into our house two years ago, We set up our clothes so that we each had a side, but our clothes decided to co-mingle, and eventually they threw themselves into a heap all over our bedroom. 
I just forgot what point I was trying to make.  Thanks, Mommy-brain. 
OH yes.  I found a couple of unfinished sewing projects—surprise, surprise.  See how we do?  That reminded me of #7 on The List.
Last summer I was a dress-makin-son-of-a-gun.  I realized that I had not yet broken in the sewing machine my hubby so thoughtfully gifted me with like, 3 years ago.  So I made an infinity dress:

I lurve my infinity dress.  I can wrap and twist and drape it in several different ways.  It's like a bajillion dresses for the cost of one. Can't be mad at that!
Also in my closet, I found all the stuff to make a boned corset as part of a Renaissance costume… because I *thought* I was going to Renn-Fest this year, and I *thought* I would dress up like a schmexy wench, because I’ve never done that before.  Yeah, yeah, I practically live under a rock. 
I kinda wish it was Fraggle Rock.


  1. I love this dress and that color is great on you!

    1. Thanks girlie! I still wanna make you one :) lol.
