Tuesday, January 31, 2012

FBB: 4-week Results!

So, I just finished the Base Phase of the Female Body Breakthrough.  Annnnd here are my results from the first 4 weeks:

Weight lost:  6 pounds

Chest:  -1 inch
Waist:  -0.5 inches
Hips:  nada (buildin up the booty, y'all)

Arms:  0
Thighs: + 1 inch??

Oh, and though I'm too shy to post progress pics just yet, I swear my tummy is much flatter.  I've got baby biceps trying to bust through my arm fat.  And, *drum roll please*......... I am now an early morning exerciser, y'all!  Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?  Those are 3 words I would have NEVER used to describe myself four weeks ago.  I'm pretty freakin proud of myself!  I feel like I got a great start.  I cleaned up my eating tremendously, although I still allow for a "splurge meal" once or twice a week.  Don't worry, I imagine I will post my bikini progress at some point. ;) 

I am happy to have cardio back in my life--although, truth be told, the strength workouts provide plenty of cardio, as moving from circuit to circuit is great for getting that heart rate up.  I am now working out 4 times a week, which is totally manageable.  I do my strength workouts at the gym at work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.  On Saturday, I do my HIIT workout at home.  I am already excited to add in another HIIT workout at Week 9, but I'm only at Week 5 so I guess I need to slow my roll...  How bout, lemme figure out how to do some chin ups?  I was supposed to do like, 6 of them in today's workout.  But I got shy (as I was not alone in the gym) and wimped out by doing some lat pull-downs instead. Ha!

I haven't had my body fat professionally tested yet, which is something I really, REALLY need to do.  I don't go to a regular gym and I ain't gots a trainer, so I'll have to figure out how to get that done.

So, I started the next four-week phase, which means I'll be doing more intense exercises and lifting heavier for fewer reps in order to define my newfound muscles.  And it means learning how to do a motherlovin chin-up.  My focus will be on eating even cleaner,  timing my carbs around my workouts, and eating just 2 servings of fruit per day (as opposed to 3 or 4).  The nutrition aspect is always the hardest for me, since I luurrrrve food, like forreal.  Like, food is my BOO, y'all.  Deprivation is no bueno, and variety is key.  For instance, I had steak tacos for dinner on Friday.  I grilled some marinated sirloin.  Added some of my favorite veggies.  Instead of wrapping all that up in a low-carb tortilla (or 2), I cut the tortillas into quadrants, sprayed them, and baked them.  I topped the whole deal with cheese and... healthy NACHOS.  Twoulda been bangin, but apparently whole wheat low-carb tortillas get pretty chewy when baked.  Oh well--at least the flavors were still there *mwah*.  That reminds me, I am hoping to post some of the recipes I've tried along the way.  I've come across some good ones!  Except for this one...

This is a homemade chocolate peanut butter protein bar, believe it or not.  It definitely tasted much better than it looks...
So yeah, stay tuned. ;)

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