Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bikini or Bust

Numero seis on my bucket list is "Wear a bikini."  How's that going, you ask?  Welp...

Two weeks ago, I embarked on a journey called The Female Body Breakthrough, a workout plan designed by Rachel Cosgrove, a renowned fitness guru and owner of a gym called Results Fitness somewhere out in California. The FBB is a 16-week strength training program in which I will be busting tightening my hind parts.  I am banking on killing two birds with one stone on this program---getting into a bikini and training for the Warrior Dash (number 4 on The List).

Many women do tons of cardio to slim down.  I've been there and done that.  Even after losing dang near 60 pounds over a year and a half, my body never looked better than when I started weight training last summer.  This was me before I even started working out:

And this was me last March, when I started P90X:

I've changed my diet quite a bit since starting the FBB.  Since your body needs protein to feed the muscle (and burn the fat), I've been focusing on getting more protein.  I've also been eating a lot more fruits and veggies... sometimes in juice form.  Several months ago, my husband told me about a documentary he'd watched about some dude who did a bajillion-day juice fast.  He was motivated to start juicing for health benefits... so I bought a juicer.  Fast forward a few months, and here I am just starting to use the thing.

This weekend I made a recipe from this book:

Four carrots, one apple, and half a pineapple later...

...I had a frothy orange potion of detoxifying deliciousness. 

I wonder how many more carrot drinks I can have before I start to look like this:

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